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Growth Mindset: A New Way to Think About Failures and Learning

I believe in a growth mindset approach to life.  It’s a concept I only really discovered recently.  As usual, I learned more about the application through teaching than I would have learned otherwise.  After all, if I’m going to preach it…I guess I’d better apply it myself.  (I can’t be anything other than genuine.  It's just my nature.) When teaching the concept of growth mindset, I like to use the analogy of a baby.  Who doesn’t love babies?!!! (Believe it or not, there are a few out there who do not!)  I like to introduce the idea of imagining a baby learning to walk.  You see, they wobble and stumble and trip and fall…a lot.  They fall a LOT.  (It’s one of the most anxious times for a new, overly protective mother…I have been there!) So, then, I casually say, “Of course, when they trip and fall, you yell and scream at them and call them stupid, right???” Of course not.  They are babies.  They are only learning, and they are going to wobble and fall down. So, why are you so hard

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